Module streamtape.Remote

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from typing import Optional, Union

from streamtape.ApiResponse import ApiResponse
from streamtape.BaseConfig import BaseConfig
from streamtape.Stream import Stream

class Remote(BaseConfig):
        parameter: str = "remotedl"

        def __init__(self, user: str, password: str):
                super().__init__(user, password)

        def remote_upload(self, file_url: str, folder: Optional[str], headers: Optional[dict], name: Optional[str]) -> dict:
                Uploads a file to a remote server.

                    - file_url (str): The URL of the file to be uploaded.
                    - folder (Optional[str]): The folder in which the file should be uploaded. Defaults to None.
                    - headers (Optional[dict]): Additional headers to be included in the request. Defaults to an empty dictionary.
                    - name (Optional[str]): The name of the file. Defaults to None.

                    - dict: A dictionary containing the ID of the uploaded file, the ID of the folder it belongs to, and the file information.

                    - ApiResponse: If the response status is not 200, an error response is returned.

                url = self.url_query(f"{self.parameter}/add")
                response = BaseConfig.send_request(url, data={
                        "url"    : file_url,
                        "folder" : folder or None,
                        "headers": headers or {},
                        "name"   : name or None

                if response["status"] == 200:
                        stream = Stream(self.api_user, self.api_password)
                        file_info = stream.file_info(response["result"].get('id'))
                        return {
                                "id"       : response["result"].get('id'),
                                "folderid" : response["result"].get('folderid'),
                                "file_info": file_info
                        return ApiResponse.error_response(response["status"], response["msg"])

        def remove(self, file_id: str) -> Union[bool, dict]:
                Removes a file with the given file_id from the server.

                    - file_id (str): The ID of the file to be removed.

                    - Union[bool, dict]: Returns a boolean value indicating the success of the operation if the status code is 200.
                                       Otherwise, returns an error response dictionary.

                    - ApiResponse: If the response status is not 200, an error response is returned.

                    >>> remove("file123")  # Returns True if the file is successfully removed, otherwise returns an error response dictionary.
                                "status": 200,
                                "msg": "OK",
                                "result": true
                url = self.url_query(f"{self.parameter}/remove")
                response = BaseConfig.send_request(url, data={
                        "id": file_id,

                if response["status"] == 200:
                        return bool(response["result"])
                        return ApiResponse.error_response(response["status"], response["msg"])

        def check_remote_status(self, file_id: str) -> Union[dict, list]:
                Retrieves the status of a remote file with the given file ID.

                    - self (object): The instance of the class.
                    - file_id (str): The ID of the file to check the status for.

                    - Union[dict, list]: The status of the remote file. It can be either a dictionary or a list.

                    - ApiResponseError: If the API response status is not 200.

                    >>> check_remote_status("12345")
                                "status": 200,
                                "msg": "OK",
                                "result": {
                                        "LnvnE51P5gc": {
                                            "id": "LnvnE51P5gc",
                                            "remoteurl": "",
                                            "status": "new",
                                            "bytes_loaded": null,
                                            "bytes_total": null,
                                            "folderid": "LnvnE51P5gc",
                                            "added": "2019-12-31 23:59:59",
                                            "last_update": "2019-12-31 23:59:59",
                                            "extid": false,
                                            "url": false
                url = self.url_query(f"{self.parameter}/status")
                response = BaseConfig.send_request(url, data={
                        "id": file_id,

                if response["status"] == 200:
                        return response["result"]
                        return ApiResponse.error_response(response["status"], response["msg"])


class Remote (user: str, password: str)

Initializes an instance of the class with the provided user and password.


  • user (str): The username for the API authentication.
  • password (str): The password for the API authentication.


  • None
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class Remote(BaseConfig):
        parameter: str = "remotedl"

        def __init__(self, user: str, password: str):
                super().__init__(user, password)

        def remote_upload(self, file_url: str, folder: Optional[str], headers: Optional[dict], name: Optional[str]) -> dict:
                Uploads a file to a remote server.

                    - file_url (str): The URL of the file to be uploaded.
                    - folder (Optional[str]): The folder in which the file should be uploaded. Defaults to None.
                    - headers (Optional[dict]): Additional headers to be included in the request. Defaults to an empty dictionary.
                    - name (Optional[str]): The name of the file. Defaults to None.

                    - dict: A dictionary containing the ID of the uploaded file, the ID of the folder it belongs to, and the file information.

                    - ApiResponse: If the response status is not 200, an error response is returned.

                url = self.url_query(f"{self.parameter}/add")
                response = BaseConfig.send_request(url, data={
                        "url"    : file_url,
                        "folder" : folder or None,
                        "headers": headers or {},
                        "name"   : name or None

                if response["status"] == 200:
                        stream = Stream(self.api_user, self.api_password)
                        file_info = stream.file_info(response["result"].get('id'))
                        return {
                                "id"       : response["result"].get('id'),
                                "folderid" : response["result"].get('folderid'),
                                "file_info": file_info
                        return ApiResponse.error_response(response["status"], response["msg"])

        def remove(self, file_id: str) -> Union[bool, dict]:
                Removes a file with the given file_id from the server.

                    - file_id (str): The ID of the file to be removed.

                    - Union[bool, dict]: Returns a boolean value indicating the success of the operation if the status code is 200.
                                       Otherwise, returns an error response dictionary.

                    - ApiResponse: If the response status is not 200, an error response is returned.

                    >>> remove("file123")  # Returns True if the file is successfully removed, otherwise returns an error response dictionary.
                                "status": 200,
                                "msg": "OK",
                                "result": true
                url = self.url_query(f"{self.parameter}/remove")
                response = BaseConfig.send_request(url, data={
                        "id": file_id,

                if response["status"] == 200:
                        return bool(response["result"])
                        return ApiResponse.error_response(response["status"], response["msg"])

        def check_remote_status(self, file_id: str) -> Union[dict, list]:
                Retrieves the status of a remote file with the given file ID.

                    - self (object): The instance of the class.
                    - file_id (str): The ID of the file to check the status for.

                    - Union[dict, list]: The status of the remote file. It can be either a dictionary or a list.

                    - ApiResponseError: If the API response status is not 200.

                    >>> check_remote_status("12345")
                                "status": 200,
                                "msg": "OK",
                                "result": {
                                        "LnvnE51P5gc": {
                                            "id": "LnvnE51P5gc",
                                            "remoteurl": "",
                                            "status": "new",
                                            "bytes_loaded": null,
                                            "bytes_total": null,
                                            "folderid": "LnvnE51P5gc",
                                            "added": "2019-12-31 23:59:59",
                                            "last_update": "2019-12-31 23:59:59",
                                            "extid": false,
                                            "url": false
                url = self.url_query(f"{self.parameter}/status")
                response = BaseConfig.send_request(url, data={
                        "id": file_id,

                if response["status"] == 200:
                        return response["result"]
                        return ApiResponse.error_response(response["status"], response["msg"])


Class variables

var parameter : str


def check_remote_status(self, file_id: str) ‑> Union[dict, list]

Retrieves the status of a remote file with the given file ID.


  • self (object): The instance of the class.
  • file_id (str): The ID of the file to check the status for.


  • Union[dict, list]: The status of the remote file. It can be either a dictionary or a list.


  • ApiResponseError: If the API response status is not 200.


>>> check_remote_status("12345")
            "status": 200,
            "msg": "OK",
            "result": {
                    "LnvnE51P5gc": {
                        "id": "LnvnE51P5gc",
                        "remoteurl": "",
                        "status": "new",
                        "bytes_loaded": null,
                        "bytes_total": null,
                        "folderid": "LnvnE51P5gc",
                        "added": "2019-12-31 23:59:59",
                        "last_update": "2019-12-31 23:59:59",
                        "extid": false,
                        "url": false
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def check_remote_status(self, file_id: str) -> Union[dict, list]:
        Retrieves the status of a remote file with the given file ID.

            - self (object): The instance of the class.
            - file_id (str): The ID of the file to check the status for.

            - Union[dict, list]: The status of the remote file. It can be either a dictionary or a list.

            - ApiResponseError: If the API response status is not 200.

            >>> check_remote_status("12345")
                        "status": 200,
                        "msg": "OK",
                        "result": {
                                "LnvnE51P5gc": {
                                    "id": "LnvnE51P5gc",
                                    "remoteurl": "",
                                    "status": "new",
                                    "bytes_loaded": null,
                                    "bytes_total": null,
                                    "folderid": "LnvnE51P5gc",
                                    "added": "2019-12-31 23:59:59",
                                    "last_update": "2019-12-31 23:59:59",
                                    "extid": false,
                                    "url": false
        url = self.url_query(f"{self.parameter}/status")
        response = BaseConfig.send_request(url, data={
                "id": file_id,

        if response["status"] == 200:
                return response["result"]
                return ApiResponse.error_response(response["status"], response["msg"])
def remote_upload(self, file_url: str, folder: Optional[str], headers: Optional[dict], name: Optional[str]) ‑> dict

Uploads a file to a remote server.


  • file_url (str): The URL of the file to be uploaded.
  • folder (Optional[str]): The folder in which the file should be uploaded. Defaults to None.
  • headers (Optional[dict]): Additional headers to be included in the request. Defaults to an empty dictionary.
  • name (Optional[str]): The name of the file. Defaults to None.


  • dict: A dictionary containing the ID of the uploaded file, the ID of the folder it belongs to, and the file information.


  • ApiResponse: If the response status is not 200, an error response is returned.
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def remote_upload(self, file_url: str, folder: Optional[str], headers: Optional[dict], name: Optional[str]) -> dict:
        Uploads a file to a remote server.

            - file_url (str): The URL of the file to be uploaded.
            - folder (Optional[str]): The folder in which the file should be uploaded. Defaults to None.
            - headers (Optional[dict]): Additional headers to be included in the request. Defaults to an empty dictionary.
            - name (Optional[str]): The name of the file. Defaults to None.

            - dict: A dictionary containing the ID of the uploaded file, the ID of the folder it belongs to, and the file information.

            - ApiResponse: If the response status is not 200, an error response is returned.

        url = self.url_query(f"{self.parameter}/add")
        response = BaseConfig.send_request(url, data={
                "url"    : file_url,
                "folder" : folder or None,
                "headers": headers or {},
                "name"   : name or None

        if response["status"] == 200:
                stream = Stream(self.api_user, self.api_password)
                file_info = stream.file_info(response["result"].get('id'))
                return {
                        "id"       : response["result"].get('id'),
                        "folderid" : response["result"].get('folderid'),
                        "file_info": file_info
                return ApiResponse.error_response(response["status"], response["msg"])
def remove(self, file_id: str) ‑> Union[dict, bool]

Removes a file with the given file_id from the server.


  • file_id (str): The ID of the file to be removed.


  • Union[bool, dict]: Returns a boolean value indicating the success of the operation if the status code is 200. Otherwise, returns an error response dictionary.


  • ApiResponse: If the response status is not 200, an error response is returned.


>>> remove("file123")  # Returns True if the file is successfully removed, otherwise returns an error response dictionary.
            "status": 200,
            "msg": "OK",
            "result": true
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def remove(self, file_id: str) -> Union[bool, dict]:
        Removes a file with the given file_id from the server.

            - file_id (str): The ID of the file to be removed.

            - Union[bool, dict]: Returns a boolean value indicating the success of the operation if the status code is 200.
                               Otherwise, returns an error response dictionary.

            - ApiResponse: If the response status is not 200, an error response is returned.

            >>> remove("file123")  # Returns True if the file is successfully removed, otherwise returns an error response dictionary.
                        "status": 200,
                        "msg": "OK",
                        "result": true
        url = self.url_query(f"{self.parameter}/remove")
        response = BaseConfig.send_request(url, data={
                "id": file_id,

        if response["status"] == 200:
                return bool(response["result"])
                return ApiResponse.error_response(response["status"], response["msg"])

Inherited members