Module streamtape.ApiResponse

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from typing import Optional, Union

class ApiResponse:
        status: Optional[int] = None
        msg: Optional[str] = None
        result: Optional[Union[list, bool, dict]] = None

        def message_info(status: int) -> str:
                Returns a message corresponding to the given status code.

                        - status (int): The status code to retrieve the message for.

                        - str: The message corresponding to the given status code.

                        - None

                >>> message_info(200)
                'Everything is OK. Request succeeded'
                >>> message_info(404)
                'File not found'
                >>> message_info(503)
                'Some error occurred'
                msg = "Some error occurred"

                if status == 200: msg = "Everything is OK. Request succeeded"
                elif status == 400: msg = "Bad request (e.g. wrong parameters)"
                elif status == 403: msg = "Permission denied (wrong api login/key, action on a file which does not belong to you, ...)"
                elif status == 404: msg = "File not found"
                elif status == 451: msg = "Unavailable For Legal Reasons"
                elif status == 509: msg = "Bandwidth usage exceeded. Please try again later. (you might see this during peak hours)"
                elif status != 509 and 500 <= status < 600: msg = "Server errors"

                return msg

        def error_response(status: int, error_msg: str):
                Returns a dictionary representing an error response.

                - status (int): The status code of the error.
                - error_msg (str): The error message.

                - dict: A dictionary containing the error information.

                >>> error_response(404, "Page not found")
                    'error': True,
                    'status_id': 404,
                    'error_msg': 'Not Found',
                    'api_msg': 'Page not found'
                return {
                        'error'    : True,
                        'status_id': status,
                        'error_msg': ApiResponse.message_info(status),
                        'api_msg'  : error_msg


class ApiResponse
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class ApiResponse:
        status: Optional[int] = None
        msg: Optional[str] = None
        result: Optional[Union[list, bool, dict]] = None

        def message_info(status: int) -> str:
                Returns a message corresponding to the given status code.

                        - status (int): The status code to retrieve the message for.

                        - str: The message corresponding to the given status code.

                        - None

                >>> message_info(200)
                'Everything is OK. Request succeeded'
                >>> message_info(404)
                'File not found'
                >>> message_info(503)
                'Some error occurred'
                msg = "Some error occurred"

                if status == 200: msg = "Everything is OK. Request succeeded"
                elif status == 400: msg = "Bad request (e.g. wrong parameters)"
                elif status == 403: msg = "Permission denied (wrong api login/key, action on a file which does not belong to you, ...)"
                elif status == 404: msg = "File not found"
                elif status == 451: msg = "Unavailable For Legal Reasons"
                elif status == 509: msg = "Bandwidth usage exceeded. Please try again later. (you might see this during peak hours)"
                elif status != 509 and 500 <= status < 600: msg = "Server errors"

                return msg

        def error_response(status: int, error_msg: str):
                Returns a dictionary representing an error response.

                - status (int): The status code of the error.
                - error_msg (str): The error message.

                - dict: A dictionary containing the error information.

                >>> error_response(404, "Page not found")
                    'error': True,
                    'status_id': 404,
                    'error_msg': 'Not Found',
                    'api_msg': 'Page not found'
                return {
                        'error'    : True,
                        'status_id': status,
                        'error_msg': ApiResponse.message_info(status),
                        'api_msg'  : error_msg

Class variables

var msg : Optional[str]
var result : Union[list, bool, dict, ForwardRef(None)]
var status : Optional[int]

Static methods

def error_response(status: int, error_msg: str)

Returns a dictionary representing an error response.

Parameters: - status (int): The status code of the error. - error_msg (str): The error message.

Returns: - dict: A dictionary containing the error information.


>>> error_response(404, "Page not found")
    'error': True,
    'status_id': 404,
    'error_msg': 'Not Found',
    'api_msg': 'Page not found'
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def error_response(status: int, error_msg: str):
        Returns a dictionary representing an error response.

        - status (int): The status code of the error.
        - error_msg (str): The error message.

        - dict: A dictionary containing the error information.

        >>> error_response(404, "Page not found")
            'error': True,
            'status_id': 404,
            'error_msg': 'Not Found',
            'api_msg': 'Page not found'
        return {
                'error'    : True,
                'status_id': status,
                'error_msg': ApiResponse.message_info(status),
                'api_msg'  : error_msg
def message_info(status: int) ‑> str

Returns a message corresponding to the given status code.


  • status (int): The status code to retrieve the message for.


  • str: The message corresponding to the given status code.


  • None Examples:
>>> message_info(200)
'Everything is OK. Request succeeded'
>>> message_info(404)
'File not found'
>>> message_info(503)
'Some error occurred'
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def message_info(status: int) -> str:
        Returns a message corresponding to the given status code.

                - status (int): The status code to retrieve the message for.

                - str: The message corresponding to the given status code.

                - None

        >>> message_info(200)
        'Everything is OK. Request succeeded'
        >>> message_info(404)
        'File not found'
        >>> message_info(503)
        'Some error occurred'
        msg = "Some error occurred"

        if status == 200: msg = "Everything is OK. Request succeeded"
        elif status == 400: msg = "Bad request (e.g. wrong parameters)"
        elif status == 403: msg = "Permission denied (wrong api login/key, action on a file which does not belong to you, ...)"
        elif status == 404: msg = "File not found"
        elif status == 451: msg = "Unavailable For Legal Reasons"
        elif status == 509: msg = "Bandwidth usage exceeded. Please try again later. (you might see this during peak hours)"
        elif status != 509 and 500 <= status < 600: msg = "Server errors"

        return msg